2 thoughts on “May Calendar

  1. Hey guys
    I used to be part of a Pathfinder game with you guys years ago and really enjoyed it. I was wondering if I could join in again?
    Pathfinder or D&D ideally as I’ve never played Warhammer and that’s not really my thing.
    I’m ok with joining in with an established game and I will even take over a spare character. If I have to wait for a new game then that’s fine too

    It was being run by Rich aka Ginge last I played is he still there?

    I look forward to hearing from you soon and getting involved

    1. Hi There!

      Cheers for reaching out to us. It’s always nice to see an old player returning.

      I believe you may have found a game through our discord, but if that wasn’t yourself I recommend reaching out through our discord server as a majority of our players have a presence there. 😀

      Alternatively feel free to pop by the club during a time when it’s open to speak to one of our committee members.


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