Over the last few weeks the membership have been working hard to prepare a new home for the club. We are aiming to be open in our new home by the 28th February, if not earlier.
We thank all the hard work and donations made by members to get us so far, but aren’t quite there yet. If you are able to help please let us know.
Sorry for the late notice on the website. We are holding a GM day where new and old players can come in and experience games run by some of our GMs. All welcome to visit we will be open from 10 am. Hope to see you there.
The club will be closed to games and events from Friday 24th December through to Sunday 2nd January. Hope you all have a good festive holiday and look forward to seeing you next year.
Over the Pandemic the society was required to adapt to lockdown and provide other means for members to socialise and play games. This came in the form of a discord server that developed over the sixteen months we were unable to open.
During the time we were unable to meet in person four of our regular roleplay games adapted to the change and began to play through the server with the assistance of astral table top (A browser based virtual table top). A further six long form games came into creation during the pandemic with various short form games also springing up on occasion. Fun not being restricted to table top we also saw the community take part in the Inktober 2020 drawing event, Nanowrimo’s writing event and online party games.
We are proud of what the Discord community has created over the difficulties of lockdown and as a society want to continue to support its growth. If you have not checked out our discord server please see the link below
It was nice seeing old and new faces this weekend and
hearing everyone’s positive response to the changes within the club room.
There is still a long way to go with sorting the shelving
and clearing some of the old furniture, but as we could see from those visiting
the effort is certainly worth it. On Saturday we saw the first wargames hitting
our redesigned central area and roleplay return to the round table. Speaking
with members we look forward to seeing old games return and new games start up.
If you have an interest in running something within the
society please let us know. Our opening times currently aren’t concrete so we
are willing to give some flex on opening to make things work for you.
As not everyone could make their way into club this weekend I wanted to share some photos with you showing off some of the space. We look forward to seeing you in the club soon
The Club AGM will be on Saturday 22nd February 2020 starting at 2pm.
Election of committee posts will be taking place (Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and 4x Committee Members). Any applicable members wishing to put themselves forward should email agm@humbersidewargames.org.uk no later than the 15th of February.
Any motions must also be submitted to agm@humbersidewargames.org.uk no later than the 15th of February. Regards Richard (Secretary).
Please note that to be applicable for a committee post you must have been a paying member for at least 6 months.
The new design offer you the ability to see what we have planned for you over the following weeks. Updates on current activities and discussions on new activities.