AGM & Committee 2023

On Saturday 18th March we had our Annual General Meeting for the period ended December 2022. As granted by the Emergency General meeting on the 8th October 2022 this AGM had been delayed till the club had been relocated to its new home. Although Percy St has not yet reached its final form, as of 12th February the club has been operating out of 31 Percy St.

Election Of New Committee

The AGM saw the end of service for the 2022 committee and the election of the 2023 Committee. This year saw Erica G step down from Treasurer and Sara B step down from the committee. We thank both for their hard work and ongoing assistance with running the club. The 2023 committee is as follows.

  • Chairperson: Paul S
  • Secretary: Richard S
  • Treasurer: David M
  • Committee members:
    • Erica G
    • Gillian M
    • Richard J
    • Tim H

2023 Committee Tasks

In addition to the election of the new committee, tasks were voted on for completion during the year the membership tasked the 2023 committee with completing tasks it considered important.

The first of these tasks related to the creation of a special GM Chair for the round roleplay table in the entrance area of the club. This chair would utilise parts of the current chair to make something in keeping with the style of the table. The joiner who created the round table has already agreed to submit designs for the committee to approve.

Due to safety issues we are not commisioning the iron throne.

The AGM has also tasked the committee to create a comprehensive inventory of stock held. This would assist the club in making decisions of what should be kept, what can be sold and what can be disposed of.

Additional matters were discussed regarding ways to keep heat from escaping, privacy during gaming and security of the club. These matters the chairperson confirmed would be discussed during the next committee meeting. Members are welcome to attend all committee meetings, the next is scheduled for 25th March starting at 3pm.

Membership fees

Please note that membership fees are now due. Becoming a member grants you a vote in all topics discussed during general meetings and you can be nominated for a position on the committee at the next AGM. (must have been a member for the 6 months prior to the AGM to be eligible).

Membership Fees

  • Waged: £5.00
  • Unwaged: £2.50

Membership fees can either be paid in cash to committee members/officers or via bacs to our bank account. If you make payment via bacs please advise us so we can keep an eye out for it.

Roleplay Opportunities coming in April

In April we have a couple of new tabletop rpgs looking for players. If you are interested in getting into tabletop roleplay this is the perfect time to do so. If you are interested please contact us here or let us know through our discord server in the “looking for group” chat.

Skull & Shackles: Tempest Rising

Mondays weekly 6pm-9/10pm for 12 weeks approx
Starting 17th April

GM: Erica G
1 Player slot availible
New Players Welcome

The adventurers have come a long way since the violent and desperate launch of their pirate career. Now, their ship’s hold full of loot and plunder, they make their triumphant return to Port Peril to present themselves to the Hurricane King to officially gain recognition as Free Captains of the Shackles. But with this recognition comes new opportunities, as other pirates take action to aid or hinder the heroes, during which hints of a hidden plot begin to surface

Arcana of the Ancients

Mondays weekly 6pm-9/10pm for 10 weeks approx
Starting 24th April

GM: David M
5 Player slots availible
New Players Welcome

The Caracara festival takes place in the crooked hills, an area long considered haunted by spirits that plague one’s dreams with strange nightmares. Despite this the festival has become popular of late due to the appearance of inexplicable arcane artefacts. While investigating the source of these artefacts the party finds itself with a quest to stop goblin raiders plaguing the festival. What secrets do the crooked hills hide?

Keep your eyes pealed for more games planned to start in the future.

A New Home

The society has now moved to it’s new premesis at 31 Percy St, Hull, HU2 8HL.

All games previously expected at the old venue on Savile Court will now take place at Percy st.

Please note that not everything has been moved yet and there is still a lot to be sorted. Please bare with us while we organise and sort both play areas and items from the move

In consideration of the ongoing organisation if you wish to play in the clubroom please contact us to confirm there is space available for you.

A new game for a new room

On the evening of the 11th February after a long day of moving some members took advantage of the new venue to start a new game of pathfinder.

Kon’s new Pathfinder 2 campaign, Kingmaker became the first game to be played in the new venue.

As a new game this also represented the first 5 characters to be created within Percy St. May their adventures be fun and TPK never grace their table.

New things this way come

Over the last few weeks the membership have been working hard to prepare a new home for the club. We are aiming to be open in our new home by the 28th February, if not earlier.

We thank all the hard work and donations made by members to get us so far, but aren’t quite there yet. If you are able to help please let us know.

See below a map showing where our new home is

New venue address

31 Percy st

Clash at Kingston 7: Under 3 weeks away!

With the speed 2022 is passing we are now just over a week away from the final submission deadline for CaK7 (02/04/2022) , one week before the event itself (09/04/2022). This means that Chris requires a copy of each player’s 1995pt army list. The preferred format for attendees’ list is pdf created by mantic’s easyarmy website ( ). If you haven’t checked out the website before I reccomend checking it out. It really is the easiest way to make a list for any Mantic game.

As Chris is playing in the event he will be sharing his list publicly through social media this week. He has already shared his intention to play his goblin force similar to CaK6. Although he has been hard at work on new units since the last tournament and promises the force to be stronger than ever.

The full attendee list for CaK7 is as follows;

  • Steven Pearson
  • David McNally
  • Paul Stonell
  • Richard Tomlinson
  • Barry Joyner
  • Erica Gilmour
  • Jeff Horton
  • Ryan Callaghan
  • Lee Fellows
  • James Frank
  • Mitchell Makin
  • Paul Makin
  • Chris Christopherson

Even if you are not playing in the tournament feel free to pop along to the event for a chat and to see the battles in action. We look forward to seeing you all on the 9th April.

Clash at Kingston 7: Down ‘n’ Dirty tournament pack

The tournament pack has now been confirmed for the Clash at Kingston 7 Kings of War tournament. Please note that all slots for this tournament have now been reserved but people are welcome to come in on the day to watch the event and join the festivities.

Saturday 9th April 10:00-10:20 registration

Kingston upon Hull – Humberside Wargames Society, Saville Court on Saville Street, HU1 3EE.

£5 per player – no prizes are planned, but there maybe the odd one or two that appear.

1.5 hour for leisurely lunch (Wetherspoons in 5min walking distance). No dinner available at venue but plenty of places within a few yards of the venue. Main aim is to keep it cheap. 12 players maximum

3 games at 1995 points using Clash of Kings 2022, 50mins chess clocks per player

Clash at Kingston uses a 5/10/15 w/d/l system with up to 5 additional points available for completing scenario objectives. Extra posts are available for routing enemy units too.

No paint requirement. Models need to be assembled, on appropriate bases and meet MMC. The idea is to promote list building experimentation and to get people playing, but please don’t take the piss.

Bring your own booze!!! Feel free to have a tipple whilst playing. There’s often those who are staying over and wanna have dins and drinks out in Hull afterwards.

Photos from Clash at Kingston 6

Tournament Schedule

10.30-12.30Game 1
14.00-16.00Game 2
16.15-18.15Game 3

As always, for the most up to date information check out the Clash at kingston Facebook page, link below

Clash At Kingston: Down n Dirty 2

King Of War: Clash of Kings 2022 singles tournament

In January we were pleased to host a Clash at Kingston Kings of war tournament, it was a roaring success and sold out instantly. We are now happy to say that on the 9th April “Down n Dirty” is returning to Humberside Wargames Society.

Once again the event is kindly being organised by Chris Christophison ( Facebook : A tale of some gamer ). He put together some beautiful tables last tournament and we are excited to see what he has in store for players this time round. More details about his events can be found on the clash at kingston facebook events page

The event is a 1995pt, 3 round tournament using the latest Kings of War suppliment, Clash of Kings 2022. Keeping things simple entrance is once again only £5 getting you a full day of fun over 3 rounds. No food or drink is being supplied by us, but you are welcome to bring your own. Alcohol is accepted within the venue.

There is no parking availble at the venue as such players are reliant on public car parks. If you want more details about parking local to the club please drop us a message.

The basic schedule of the event is below (on phones this is best viewed in landscape). If you don’t feel up to playing please feel free to pop along to watch and chat free of charge. More details will follow closer to the date.













Game 1


Game 2


Game 3

Game 3 finish

Results and thanks

Clash at Kingston (Kings of War)

6 tables were in action for the clash, 3 games where played, being a competition each player had 50 minutes to player the 6/7 turn. Winning was based on objectives. Points were scored for winning (draw and losing), objectives taken and enemy units destroyed.

If interested in Kings of War contact HWS